(Scream it)RED clap clap BLUE clap RED clap clap blue clap (scream it) Jayhawks clap clap Win Clap jayhawks clap clap win red, clap clap blue clap , jayhawks clap clap win
There are several good cheers that you can do. Including:
* "You might be good at Football, you might be good at Track, but when it comes to Basketball you might as well step back." * "That's alright, that's okay. We'll beat them anyway!" * "My name is ____, and you know what I got? (one person)" "Huh (everyone else)?" "I got a team that is hotter than hot" "How hot is hot?" "Batman and Superman" "Yeah oh Yeah" "Nobody can pass/throw/catch/shoot/tribble/kick like ____ can" * "GO TEAM! (one person)" "What do we got? (everyone)" "We got team spirit!" :What are we gonna do?" "We're gonna let 'em here it!" "What team?" "(name of team, everyone)"
* "We're the #1 team the team, that won't be beat" * "GO GO (The name of the team) GO GO that's right!" * "Cookies, Cookies, Cookies and Cream, what's the matter with the other team? Nothing, nothing, at all, they just (clap, clap) can't play ball" * "Hey Players! Listen Up! We want you to do your very best but we want you to know it's okay. If you drop the ball, it's ok. If you take a fall, it's okay. Not to be tall, it's okay. Because we know, nobodies perfect, you live and you learn it. And, we're all still gonna love you so don't be upset when you make a mistake, we all do it it's just part of life. So get back up, yeah you heard what we said. So get back up! Oh, you're not def, so get up. So get up (solo of best girl's voice)!!!! We will all be still happy, good or bad score, we're happy. Remember, that you'll win if you believe, oh yeah. (Half girls sing 'oh yeah...' for rest of song and other half contine:) If you drop the ball, it's okay. If you take a fall, it's okay. Not to be tall, it's okay!!! So get back up, yeah you heard what we said. So get back up! Oh, you're not def, so get up. So get up (solo of best girl's voice in half group)!!! Just, just, just, get back up! When you make a mistake, we all do it it's just part of life, so get back up. And, have some fun, and try your very hardest, and try your very hardest. (ALL) Again, gain, again, again, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, just get back up (other half group sings 'ohhh...' for total rest of song) So get back up, so get get get get get get get get get get get get get get get get, get back up. If the other team is winning, try your best and remember this, good or bad you still did good, no matter what the stupid score board says. (Everyone) GO TEAM!
Sliding on a water slide Landing on a cactus we can do anything with a little practice!
We are number one not number two we are gonna beat the WOOP outta you!
2,4,6,8 Who do we appreciate. Not the King not the Queen but the Dragon sovver team!!
everywhere we go people want 2 know who we r and where we come from so we tell them we r the no.1 the mighty mighty group! and watch because we r gonna beat u
really cool
some cheers are hard it depends on how good you are :))
just get a vacuum water bottle !!! cheers >.<
There are as many cheers as you are creative enough to come up with. If you just think of a cheer that sounds cool, use it! it will make your squad unique. Generic cheers such as "Go Fight Win" and "We Got Spirit" are good crowd pleasers.
boo this is gay!
The question is.. what the hell is Cheers? Is this some type of drug? xD Because I need some serious rumors or scandals on Denzel.
A! C! E! Aceee!!!
Valentine's Day in Brasil is June 12th.... Cheers to all brazilians living elsewhere then Brazil....they get to celebrate 2 valentine's day a year...cool!
make sure the cheers are short and do not have any complicated motions
Some clothes are cool some shoes are cool some coats are cool some TVs are cool but you don't have to be popular to be cool. By:Josie Robson
he we go team
Yes, he played roles on television acting as Sam "Mayday" Malone in Cheers and Dr. John Becker on the sitcom Becker.