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Only you can come up with a good name! Book Titles come from the story, not from some anonymous person on the internet!

Think about your story - what is going on and who are the people involved? A story about softball and Baseball should probably have something in the title that makes you think of those sports - try a term from the game or the name of a position on the team as part of the title.

Check out the Related Questions for help with your book, too!

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Diamond's are a girls best friend ... even soft one'ss

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14y ago

softball gone HARDBALL!!!!

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Q: What is a Good softball headlines for a yearbook?
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Do you have to play high school softball to get into college softball?

Not necessarily, most softball recruiting is done through travel/summer teams. Also, many softball programs are not that good and could be considered a waste of time.

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What is a good headline for softball?