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well, for hitting, the running motion forward combined with jumping causes a higher jump, like centripetal force. if you hit the ball slightly in front of your head, almost parallel to your body but not quite, you get more power. legs give you more power when you set, i would know = ]. if you pass a ball with a flat forearm, it works and you can direct the ball anywhere you like. pulling your elbow backward right before you hit the ball is like a bow and arrow, it gives you more power and force.

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Q: What are some Physics questions about volleyball?
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Volleyball has lots of physics in it.

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Volleyball involves many physics principles, such as projectile motion when the ball is served, gravity affecting the ball's trajectory, and momentum transfer during a spike. The angle and force at which the ball is hit, as well as friction with the air and the floor, all impact the game and players' strategies. Understanding physics can help players optimize their movements and techniques for better performance.

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