.Silver Bullets
Some others:
thunderrockersfire ballswarriorspythonshatrick herosblazespartanscheetaswild catshope this was helpful!!!!
Mens dont have professional softball only Womens.Mens professional softball is baseball.
Shirley, Jessy, and Baylee are cute enough
Zebras,Penguins, how about bandits : )
No they do not have a softball team at Pepperdine.
he we go team
Yes, they do have a women's softball team.
tnt thunderstruck
13 people joined the softball team. This is because 7 people joined the soccer team, leaving 13 to have joined the softball team out of the total 20 people who joined either team.
i'm no pro at team names but here are some suggestions: pirates dreamers dolphins those aren't good but i tried lol
The visiting team bats first in a softball game.