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Footballers wear Jersey, shorts, stockings shinguard, boots.
bodyguard lifeguard shinguard mudguard guardrail
Long Sleeves, Short Sleeves, Sleevless (vest tops) Elbow Lengnth Sleeves, cuffed sleeves, tight sleeves, baggy sleeves has lost all meaning to me now.
it goes under your sock therefore the sock will help keep it in place better.
The possessive form for the plural noun sleeves is sleeves'. Example sentence: Both sleeves' buttons are missing.
Sleeve= Llawes Sleeves= Llewys
No. Generally, Spongebob has white sleeves.
The plural possessive form is sleeves'.
The correct spelling is, indeed, "sleeves."
A shirt a vest has no sleeves is a tank top or a sleeveless shirt. It is a garment that covers the torso and typically has no sleeves, similar to a vest.
As a declarative: It has sleeves. As an interrogative: Does it have sleeves?