Rosters are the list of eligible players who can play for a team.
A Major League Baseball team optioning one of their players means they are sending a player that is on their 40-man roster back to one of their Minor League Baseball rosters, players that are not on their 40-man rosters are not optioned to one of the team's Minor League rosters instead they will just be re-assigned to their Minor League rosters during Spring Training.
There are two rosters in Baseball; the 25-man roster and the 40-man roster
that one team with the hats
Go to and click on the team(s) in which you are interested. each team's sites have a list of all time rosters.
yes. he sighned with the yankees so he should be in the game. but you may need to do an online update of the rosters to get him if he signed with them after the makers set the rosters
i am they started playing in 1876
You go to the Rosters tab and go to Reset Rosters.
On September 1, the active player limit for MLB baseball teams expands from 25 to 40 players.
There are two rosters in Baseball; the 25-man roster and the 40-man roster
You go to the Rosters tab and go to Reset Rosters.
Click on the "Cardinals' Rosters" link below to access all rosters for the Cardinals. Click on the year link on the left hand side of the page to see the roster, along with stats for each player, for that year. you can go to baseball almanac to find all of the roster you need along with anything you need to known