its about the size of a skooter board
a skirt, knee socks, a polo shirt and a bib with your position on it
netball skirt, top, runners, socks etc. and the skirt and top in team colours. Also you need team bibs which have the positions on every bib.
a uniform u play netball in!Usually a dress or skirt. a uniform u play netball in!Usually a dress or skirt. a uniform u play netball in!Usually a dress or skirt.
Netball is a ball game played with 7 players on opposing teams; each player has a different position this is shown by lettering on a bib. To make a netball bib measure 2 rectangles of material in the color you want using the dimensions 30cm x 48cm. Sew along one of the shortest edges and make a scooped neck hole, at the other end join the two sides together with Velcro or elastic. Put on the positions in capital letters on each bib; GK, GA, GD, GS, C, WA and WD.
"Bib" is a noun and, as such, does not have a superlative form.
.bib is a file extension
A bib
Babero means bib
The apostrophe goes before the "s" in "baby's bib" to show possession. This indicates that the bib belongs to the baby.
baby bobs bib( the bib has a b on it 4 bob) right after he threw up (on his bib)