All muscles.
The prime groups utilized during the act of shooting itself include the "rotator cuff" group - in lifting and turning the scapula, the deltoid flexors - particularly the anterior deltiod over the shoulder joint and bicep muscles, etc. These largely prepare the shooting position.
The actual throw and release in shooting includes further flexion of the shoulder, mainly via the anterior deltoid, extension at the elbow joint - especially via the triceps, and the flexors of the wrist, hand and fingers just prior to ball release.
Of course, the quadricep muscles of the upper leg drive and lift the body above them in push off: likewise the soleus, the muscles of the feet - especially plantar flexors and the calf muscles act in forcable action to raise the body off the floor
The main muscles used are the triceps. They allow your arm to extend in a forward motion quickly to produce a chest pass. Also the pectoralis majors on your chest coincide with the triceps to generate more strength in the release of the ball. I would sugest doing press ups. Repetitions of 10 with a 45 second rest in between, and if you can get hold of a medicine ball find a partner and pass to each other with legs stationary the whole time. after you do this particular activity get a Netball and you will feel so strong and in control.
It is used when you have to make a strong and far pass
cause you use your biceps whenever you do passing in netball. I play netball. even though I'm 13 -Tillie
Free pass to other team
calf muscles and arm muscles adductors abductors
bounce pass dig pass
There are two different types of soccer passes. A pass from the goalie will use the muscles of the arms. A pass from the rest of the players will use the muscles of the hips and legs.
When you are playing netball you could double make on the center pass.
ATP-PC system is used for high intensity short bursts of energy such as sprinting... In netball it is used when leading for the ball or the centre driving to the circle. it can also be used when jumping for a high pass.
When you use one hand to throw a ball in netball it is called a shoulder pass and they are usually used for longer didtance throws.
overarm throw, bounce pass or chest pass.
centre pass