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To lock off his man in a man to man coverage or to cover a certain area in a zone defense. Which 1 is depending on which defense your team runs

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

to score and stop the goalie from clearing the ball

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Q: What are lacrosse defense man's responsibility?
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Was lacosse a guy sport?

Yes lacrosse was a guy sport but now today in our society girls play it not so much guys. But lacrosse was a mans sport

What are the 4 positions of Lacrosse?

attack, midfield, defense, and goalie

What were sports colonial georgia?

Lacrosse, hunt the slipper, blind mans buff, and football(soccer).

Do defense lacrosse players get scholarships?

Yes I have a friend that plays lacrosse and he got a scholarship to colledge through lacrosse, and because lacrosse isn't as popular as football, soccer, baseball etc. then you should be able to get a scholarship easier.

7 Who has the burden of proof with an affirmative defense?

The burden of proof for an affirmative defense is the responsibility of the defense.

What is a coverpoint in lacrosse?

A coverpoint is the secondary defense player, second closest to the goal.

What are the postions for lacrosse?

You've got Midfield, Attack ( Which is what i play), Defense, and Goalie.

When does Secretary of Defense has the responsibility to provide defense support to civil authorities?

when its legal

When the Secretary of Defense has the responsibility to provide defense support to civil authorities?

when its legal

The Secretary of Defense has the responsibility to provide defense support to civil authorities when?

when its legal

What is lacrosse mesh?

Lacrosse mesh is the stringing in the head. they come in a variety of colors and patterns. there are also specific ways to string your head for attack, midi, and defense.