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Part of my problem was that my core wasn't strong enough so I couldn't pull them quick enough. lay down on your back and hold on to a person's feet (or a wall pillar) and pull your hips towards your head in the tuck position. back down. up. down. It worked for me. And hey stronger abs are always a plus!!!!

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Q: What are good standing tuck drills?
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Who has the highest standing back tuck in the world?

Currently, as in 6/8/09, Joe Eigo has the highest standing back tuck on YouTube. But I'm not quite sure about the whole world.

If I have a Standing tuck but it's not consistent and a round off back handspring half of a full Is that enough skill to be on level five cheer team?

NO. a standing tuck is a level four and a half is not very good cause you wont really get that many points for a half sorry for your luck but no.

What is the plural of drill?

The plural of fire drill is fire drills. As in "fire drills are a good practice".

How can one learn to do a standing back tuck?

There are several resources that can teach a person how to do a standing back tuck. A person can learn by watching videos on YouTube. A person can also learn by training with a coach at a gymnastics center such as Metro Gymnastics.

Is a front tuck harder than a back tuck?

There is not a big difference.In a front flip, you do not have to tuck in your feet/calfs, however with the front tuck, your hands have to be wrapped around your feet and bottom part of your legs. So, a front tuck would be a bit easier for some people, and a front flip would be easier for other people.

What is the plural of fire drill?

The plural of fire drill is fire drills. As in "fire drills are a good practice".

Do cockatoos sleep on their perches standing?

Yes, they will turn their heads back and tuck under their wings

What does brother martin high school cheerleading team in new Orleans require for tumbling?

At minimum a back handspring. The level has recently increased with the quality of tumblers increasing and most of the girls who try out have at least a Standing back handspring back tuck or a standing tuck. For running tumbling the majority, if not all of the girls have a round off back handspring back tuck

What are some good basketball drills?

free throws and ball handling drills. Another good drill for your shot is to spin the basketball in front of you. Jump torwards the ball and catch it in your stance.

How does doing a standing back tuck relate to physics?

the momentum needed to get all the way around is related to physics.

What was the hardest thing for miley cyurs to do in cheerleading?

She learned a standing back tuck before she left to go do Hannah Montana.

What are good shooting drills for basketball?

practicing. practice makes perfect!