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University of San Diego, USC, UCLA, Cal Berkeley, Stanford

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Q: What are good D1 basketball colleges with strong academics in California?
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What are the top colleges in Los Angeles?

California has some of the best colleges in the country. The University of California system has many strengths, and California has both strong liberal arts colleges and private research universities. The 12 top colleges listed below vary so much in size and type of school that I have simply listed them alphabetically rather than force them into any sort of artificial ranking.

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The antiwar movement was especially strong at colleges because students were of draft age.

What is the characteristics of the inventor of basketball?

a basketball is strong and unstoppable

What academics are popular with Conn College?

Connecticut College has a strong and varied academics program, and encourages their students to have the freedom to plan their own education. The academics that are usually popular are the natural science courses, which makes it hard sometimes to get your desired course.

Ask us anythingWhy was the antiwar movement especially strong at colleges?

The antiwar movement was especially strong at colleges because students were of draft age.

Are the tornadoes in California weak or strong?

Most of the tornadoes in California are weak , though a few strong ones have occurred, some as strong as F3.

Should colleges accept students with high test scores or students with strong extracurricular backgrounds?

Most colleges want students with both good test scores and strong extracurricular backgrounds.

Can you tell me of any music production colleges in the state of California?

Go to UCLA. this is a very good college and will have everyting you are looking for. They have a strong music program and alot of people who come out of this school become very succesful.

What do you do in the game of basketball to succeed?

You need a strong defence and offence.

Do strong forearms help for basketball?

strong forearms can help you get better at palming a basketballalong side as having strong hands and fingers.

Will there ever be tornadoes in California?

Yes, there are tornadoes in California as strong as F3.

How strong was the spanish effort to put missons in California?

very strong