The four fundamental forces are fundamental:
The electromagnetic force, electricity and magnetism.
The gravitational force, gravity.
The strong nuclear force, holds protons and neutrons together, or quarks together.
The weak nuclear force, radioactivity.
The correct spelling is "fundamentals."
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The plural of fundamental is fundamentals. As in "these fundamentals are important".
The fundamentals for peaceful living are tolerance and equality.
fundamentals of Application software
addition,subtraction,division and multiplication are the four fundamentals in maths.
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Fundamentals are the basics, what is needed for the thing to move any further. Here are some sentences.These classes are the fundamentals of your education.The fundamentals of this job include being on time, working hard, and obeying your manager.He could not figure out the fundamentals of chemistry, so he failed the class.
Jearl Walker has written: 'Fundamentals of Physics, Volume 1 (Chapters 1 - 20)' 'Problem supplement ... to accompany sixth edition [of] Fundamentals of physics [by] David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker' -- subject(s): Problems, exercises, Physics 'Set Consisting of Halliday Physics Fourth Edition, Extended Volume 2 and Tanner Interactive Learningware Part 2 IBM Set' 'Fundamentals of Physics, Extended, Chapters 1 - 45 , Enhanced Problems Version' 'A Student's Companion to Accompany Fundamentals of Physics 6th Edition, Includes Extended Chapters' 'Fundamentals of Physics,Vol 1 (Chapters 1 - 20)' 'Fundamentals of Physics, Part 2, Chapters 13-21' 'Fundamental of Physics (5-part paperback set)' 'Light from the Sky' 'Cummings, Laws, Redish Cooney, UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS, Part 2 Preliminary Edition' 'Set Consisting of Fundamentals of Physics Fourth Edition 4 Volume Set and Interactive Learningw' 'Fundamentals of Physics, , Instructor Lab Manual with CD' 'Fundamentals of Physics Fourth Edition Volume 1 and 2 with Interactive Learningware Volume 1 an' 'Fundamentals of Physics, (Chapters 21- 32) (Fundamentals of Physics)' 'Volume 2, Chapters 22-45, Fundamentals of Physics' 'Fundamentals of Physics Fifth Edition and a Student's Companion and Student's Solutions Manual to Accompany Fundamentals of Physics, Fifith Edition' 'Fundamentals of Physics' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Physics 'Fundamentals of Physics, (Chapters 1 - 11)' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Physics 'Fundamentals of Physics, Part 4 (Chapters 33-37)' 'Fundamentals of Physics, Problem Supplement No. 2' '(WCS)Fundamentals of Physics, 8 Edition, Volume 2 for University of Louisiana at Lafayette (Fundamentals of Physics)' 'Fisica Recreativa' 'Set Consisting of Fundamentals of Physics Fourth Edition 4 Volume Set and Interactive Learningw (Set Consisting of Fundamentals of Physics, in Interactive Le)' 'Fundamentals of Physics, Volume 2 (Chapters 21- 44)' 'Fundamentals of Physics, (Chapters 38-44) (Fundamentals of Physics)' 'A Student's Companion to Accompany Fundamentals of Physics' 'Part 1, Fundamentals of Physics' 'Fundamentals of Physics, Interactive Pt. 1' 'Fundamentals of Physics, Part 3 (Chapters 21-32)' 'Fundamentals of Physics, , Problem Supplement No. 1' 'Fundamentals of Physics, (Chapters 12-20)' 'Volume 1, Fundamentals of Physics' 'Cummings, Laws, Redish, Cooney Understanding Physics Part 4 Preliminary' 'Fundamentals of Physics, 5th edition - Part 4' 'Physik' 'Fundamentals of Physics Fifth Edition Part 3 and Tanner Interactive Learningware Volume 2 to Accompany Fundamentals of Physics'
Because the sound of fundamentals is considered a horrible sound.
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