

What are four cues for the dribble?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What are four cues for the dribble?
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The four basic functions of nonverbal cues are to complement verbal communication, contradict verbal communication, substitute for verbal communication, and regulate interactions.

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Double Dribble

What are the two ways a person can double dribble?

a person can try to dribble the ball with two hands or can dribble then pick up their dribble and then dribble again

What is dribble in basketball?

Dribble in basketball is when you're in the middle of playing then you dribble.

What is illegal dribble?

an illegal dribble or double dribble in basketball is when the player uses both hands to dribble or the player starts to dribble a second time after coming to a stop

Dribble have a prefix?

Yes, the word "dribble" does have a prefix. The prefix in "dribble" is "dri-."

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What is a spin dribble?

Spin dribble is when you are spinning the ball, then it hits you in the face and you dribble because you get knocked out.

What are four important skills to dribble a basketball?

1. Dribble close to you and close to the ground. 2. Do not take your eye away from your defender; he can steal the ball at any time. 3. Do not try many fancy moves (i.e. behind the back passes) as your chances of retaining the ball are not good.

What are the two double-dribble rules in basketball?

The first Double Dribble is when you start dribbling and then stop, and then start dribbling again. The second double dribble is when you dribble the ball simultaneously with both hands and when you dribble from right to left every dribble.

An example of double dribble is?

A double dribble is when you dribble the b-ball pick it up and hold it then start dribbling again. Another example of a double dribble is when you dribble the ball with both hands, and you will be called by doing it