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I don't have a current link but the NFL released a list of 158 father-son combos back in June, 2008

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Q: What are all the son and father duos in the NFL?
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Man's father = My father's son. My father's son = me. That man's father = me. I am the father of my son.

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Either: Albert's son is my husband and and father of my son, Albert is my father in law. Or: If Albert's son is me, the father of my son, then Albert is my father.

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because there are only three people in the story. Two fathers = One grandfather (father of the father) and One father (father of the son). Two sons = One son (son of the grandfather and father of the son) and One son (the son of the son and the grandson of the grandfather) So.. Grandfather (father #1) gives his son (father #2 and son #1) 150pesos then.. he (father #2 and son #1) gives the grandson (son #2) 100pesos out of the 150pesos he just received, leaving him with 50 pesos. So.. when the Father (father #2 and son #1) and his son, the grandson (son #2) - ergo "the two sons" counted up all their pesos: 50 + 100 they had 150pesos in total

What you call father's son's son?

The son of a father's son is commonly referred to as a grandson.

What is a father son relationships?

I agree that the father-son relationship becomes strong when they spend time together. The importance of father is moe accountable when the child grows up and becomes a teen. A father can guide better than a mother at this stage. How to Strengthen a Father, Son Relationship Stonebridge Academy Blog

Two fathers and two sons went duck hunting Each shot a duck but they shot only three ducks in all How come?

The answer is four - 4 no 3, the grandfather is the father of the father. the father is the father of the son. the father is the son of the grandfather. the son is the son if the father.Ummm . . .Don't two fathers constitute both two fathers and two sons? We got two dead rabbits here!Answer : 3 = grand-father + his son + his grand-son = 1+1+1

What man's father is your father's son?

Either your son or your nephew is the man.Your father's son is either you or your brother (including half-brother).If your father's son is you, then the original man is your son, (you are his father).If your father's son is your brother, then the original man is your nephew, (your brother is his father).Obviously if you have no brothers, than it must be your son.