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There are a lot of rules for Basketball, too many to be mentioned here. Click on the links under the "Related Links" heading below to view detailed information concerning the rules of basketball.
The game is a contest between two teams that play against each other. The team objective is to shoot the ball into the metal hoop or basket. The hoop or goal is ten feet from the floor.

A team has three positions. There is one center per team and plays at the post position, the area ten feet within the basket. The middle area is referred to the wing area and this is the where the forward plays. There are two forwards per team. There are two guards per team. The guard play at the top of the key.

The key is the area that reaches twenty feet from the baseline of the court. The players who have control of the ball are said to be on the offensive. The team without control of the ball is said to be on the defensive. The offensive team tries to shoot the ball into the hoop, also known as scoring, while the defensive team's objective is to try to keep the offense from scoring.

The offensive team, by putting the basketball into the hoop, can score one point, two points, or three points. The offense will score one point by scoring on a free shot or free throw. The free shot is given to an offensive player who was fouled by a defensive player.

The player on defense fouls the offense player by pushing, hitting, or otherwise coming into contact with the offense player. The charity shot is allowed to a player who can shoot at the basket without being contested. The offensive player who is fouled will receive two charity throws each time he or she is fouled.

The team will receive two points if the team shoots the ball into the hoop from within the three point line. If an offensive player puts the basketball in the hoop from outside the three point line he or she will score three points for his team. The team with the most points at the end of basketball games wins. Basketball is very easy to learn and fun to watch. The game is growing in popularity everyday.

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12y ago
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11y ago

1)dont dribble then hold it and dribble again, if you do that the referee will blow the whistle and say that its double dribble

2)dont run without dribbling if you do that it will be called travel

3)dont go out of the line with ball or else its out

4)if you stand more than 3 seconds in the key it will be called 3 seconds and it will be the other team's ball

5)always aim the ball at the corner of the square if you are shooting from the side

6)always defense your oponent to prevent the person with the ball to pass it to them

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12y ago

· The start of the game is decided by tossing a coin. The team winning the toss gain possession of the ball.

· Games will be played to 15 points with the winning team leading by at least 2 points. The game will be played by 1pt (2 point regulation shot) and 2pt (3 point regulation shot) baskets.

· When one team scores successfully, the other team will then be given the ball at the top of the key. A three point regulation basket will result in 2 points and a two point regulation basket will result in 1 point (Free Throw = 1 pt, Field Goal = 2 pts, and Outside the arc = 3 pts).


· In the case of a tie at the end of the regulation period, the three players finishing the game for each team will compete in a free throw "shootout" to decide a winner. Each team will have three free throws and the best score wins.

· Each team is allowed one time-out (1 minute). The clock will not stop for time-outs, only for injuries or situations under the supervisor's discretion.

· Substitutions may only be made during a dead ball situation.

· Following defensive rebounds of the ball, a team must clear the ball past any point of the three point line before attacking the basket.

· There will be no throw-ins. All balls that go out-of-bounds will be taken to the top of the three point line and checked into play. This check procedure will be the same as the one taken after a made basket.

· When the ball has been turned over, the ball must be dribbled or passed out to the top of the key before the next offence can start.

· Players will have five total fouls allowed. If players are fouled in the act of shooting, the shooter will receive one free-throw and that shooter's team will be given the ball at the top of the key. In the case of a foul on a three point shot, the shooter will be given 2 free-throws. From any other fouls, not shooting, the fouled player gets the ball from the top of the key.

Violations: 3 seconds (lane), 5 seconds (closely guarded), carrying the ball, travelling, double dribble, kicked ball, over and back (considered out of bounds in 3v3), ball over backboard, goaltending, basket interference, and jump ball.

Fouls: Blocking, holding, hand check, pushing, illegal use of hands, double foul, player-control foul (charge), and technical foul.

Caroline, London

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13y ago

Well here are just a few

- if a player fouls 5 times, they are taken out of the game

- if you have the ball, you must dribble it when you are moving

- you cannot stay in the key for more than 3 seconds

- once you stop dribbling the ball, you have 5 seconds to pass it or shot it

- you are allowed 2 steps without dribbling to jump up to shoot a layup (some referees allow 3 steps)

Hope This helps!

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11y ago

Basketball is a team sport played by teams of five players. You score by throwing the basket ball in the basket. The point value of the basket depends on where the ball was thrown from. The game is divided into twenty minute halves.

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13y ago

The basic rules of basketball is violation, double dribble, offense, and defense. They are containing with basketball.

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15y ago

Click on the 'NBA Rules' link on this page to see the rules and regulations of the National Basketball Association.

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The link has the official rules for the NBA.

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