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Q: What are The major drawback to the use of virtual teams?
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What is the major drawback of the use nuclear power?

The Major drawback, is probably the gasses that will penetrate the Ozone Layer? My Name is amanda, and i am 13. I hope to be a Physicist when i grow up.

What specific training should virtual teams receive?

the use of technology

What are the two major classifications for virtual machines?

Virtual machines are divided into two major classifications, based on their use and degree of correspondence to any real machine. They are either a system virtual machine or a process virtual machine.

What do major league teams do with the baseball's after they use them?

They use the balls for pregame warm ups! :)

What is the major drawback to use hydrogen power?

The use of fossil fuels is required to create pure hydrogen. APEX!

Which is a major drawback to the use of hydrogen power?

One major drawback of hydrogen power is the cost associated with producing, storing, and transporting hydrogen. Additionally, the current infrastructure for hydrogen refueling stations is limited, making it less convenient for widespread adoption. There are also safety concerns related to the flammability of hydrogen gas.

How do you use the word drawback in a sentence?

A drawback is a negative aspect in contrast to a positive change. Example : "The drawback to increased crop production was a drop in the price for farmers."

What is a major drawback to the use of ethanol based energy?

A major drawback of ethanol-based energy is its potential to contribute to deforestation and food insecurity due to competition with food crops for land use. Additionally, the production and transportation of ethanol can lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions, partially offsetting its environmental benefits.

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What is the major drawback to the use of ethanol based energy?

Burning ethanol releases greenhouse gases.

Does virtualization use virtual hard drives to store the virtual machines OS?

It can use either: real hard drives and virtual ones.