I really want to know please!!!!!!!
she throws almost eveything 62-63 mph. drop, rise, curve, and screw all clock in right there.
could probably throw harder, but doesnt cause she spends her effort at the end on spin.
5.665, 5.674
Light travels fastest through air, then glass, and slowest through water. The speed at which light travels through a medium depends on the refractive index of the material, with lower refractive indexes resulting in faster speeds.
The fastest land animal is the cheetah, which can reach speeds of up to 75 mph (120 km/h). The slowest land animal is the sloth, which moves at a sluggish pace of around 0.24 mph (0.39 km/h) on the ground.
The Metropolitan line should be the fastest. They are capable of the highest speeds. The second fastest is Central, third fastest is Jubilee, and other fast lines are Victoria and Piccadilly. Circle line is the slowest of all.
The order of the planets' rotation speeds from fastest to slowest is Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Earth, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, and Mercury. This ranking is based on the time it takes for each planet to complete one rotation on its axis.
I foy mean the musical term for speed, it is Tempo, or for more specific speeds it is:(slowest to fastest)LargoAdagioAllegrettoModeratoAllegroVivacePrestoPrestisimo
The third fastest gait of a horse is know as the canter.
The speed of sound in a medium is affected by the density and elasticity of the medium. Sound travels faster in denser and more elastic mediums, such as solids, compared to less dense and less elastic mediums, such as gases. The speed of sound is typically highest in solids, lower in liquids, and slowest in gases.
Speeds varied. The slowest was the Bleroit monoplane that clocked 75 km/h (47 mph) and the fastest was the Martinsyde F.4 Buzzard at 233km/h (145 mph).
There are several types of router speeds. These include 802.11 b, the slowest, and 11 Mbps is the fastest.
Walk (being the slowest)Trot (second slowest)Canter (a kind of rocking motion and second fastest)Gallop (the fastest speed. Some race horses can exceed 30 mph)
5.674 and 5.665 because that's how rounding works.