The personal addresses of the New Jersey Devils players is not disclosed. Typically, celebrities, and other high profile sports players do not disclose their addresses for security purposes.
I don't know if players would willingly give out their home mailing addresses. I would suggest you write to the players in care of the team at the team's mailing address which can usually be found at the team's website.
You can find mailing addresses for large companies on the Internet. All you have to do is find the company you want to find the mailing address for, search for them on the web and you will find their mailing address.
WikiAnswers does not give out personal mailing addresses.
The SYNNEX Corporation has a lot of mailing addresses, because the corporation has a lot of different departments. One can find all of the mailing addresses directly on their website.
Companies buy mailing lists so they can send mail to the people or companies on the list in the hope of generating business. A mailing list may be street addresses or email addresses.
Wikianswers does not give out personal information, such as mailing addresses and phone numbers.
Mass mailing is contacting hundreds, posibly thousands of addresses with the same piece of information by mail.
You can find some addresses at
SK is most often used for mailing addresses, etc...