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I read that it is around 30-35. It also depends on injeries and other stuff like that.

The answer above is provided by the last editor ^^^

Zidane retires n 2006 both Club and Country.

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12y ago
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15y ago

you have to have a certain age. I think the certain age is 17 to join the sub-17

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12y ago

In their late thirties soccer players usually retire.

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14y ago

most players ritire at the age of 32-36 but alot of fit players will go on into their 40s this post was made by a smart 10 year old

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12y ago

most likely when ever they won't but my guest is maybe like 40 or something like that.

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16y ago

Usually before they hit their fourties.

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Q: What age do soccer players retire?
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There is no set age for when basketball players retire. Some retire early due to injuries. Players generally retire, however, when they are about 35. When they are far past their prime and injuries plague their play, players are bound to retire.

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The national teams are limited to players under 23 years of age, with three slots available for veterans 23 or older.

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Persistent injuries and advancing age.

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What age do baseball players retire?

They usually retire from the late 30's to the mid-40's

How many players on soccer team on the field?

It depends on your age but usually 11 players

What age do you retire at on new star soccer?

I don't know but I'm still going age 36!

What is the latest age to get into professional soccer?

i think some players have started as early as age 15

How long can you be a pro soccer player if you were a teenager?

You can be a pro soccer player as long as you are good, fit and playing well. Most players retire in their thirties when they find younger players, just a little bit faster, are taking their jobs.

What is the average age of youth soccer players?

Youth team players generally start at a very young age. Players like Neymar started playing at the age of 7. Usually they are 15-17 years of age.

A soccer game may not start with no more than how many players?

It depends the age group. But I'm guessing your not under the age of 8. So soccer can only start withh 11 players (including goalie).

Wen do ice hockey players retire?

This is a rather dumb question since, as in any sport, a player can play as long as his abilities, age, desire, and a team's need for him allow him to do so!!