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Q: What advantages might an Andean soccer team have over a team that lives and plays in the lowlandsWhat advantages might an Andean soccer team have over a team that lives and plays in the lowlands?
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Do people play sports in the Hudson Bay lowlands?

People in the Hudson Bay lowlands do play sports, but the low population density and remote location of the region mean that organized sports are less common compared to urban areas. However, activities like hunting, fishing, and snowmobiling are popular outdoor recreations in the region.

What are the advantages of PLA?

how you play is by having the the real thing like soccer or footBALL

What are the advantages in hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup soccer?

It will bring in a lot of money, and workers get jobs building stadiums, Hotels are all booked to.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of football?

Advantages are that its a clean sport and you rarely get injured. Disadvantages are that it's a bit boring for some spectators. Soccer players get paid fairly well, and respect (admiration) from the fans, but the media never leaves them alone.

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What are ten easy sports to learn?

golf, soccer, croquet, curling, soccer, baseball, basketball,, soccer, soccer, and soccer

Why isn't soccer called soccer ball?

It isn't called soccer ball because the soccer ball is the ball you use in soccer. See? I have actually heard people call it soccer and soccer ball.

How soccer players use soccer?

soccer is boring

What is a good name for a football store?

Kick It Soccer SupplySoccer StopOne Stop Soccer ShopCompete Soccer EquipmentGet In The Game Soccer Shop(Town name or name's) Soccer Shop (For example John's Soccer Shop or Stonecreek Soccer Shop)Goal! Soccer ShopTurf- Soccer Supply

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How do you use soccer in a sentence?

I play soccer I played soccer Soccer is a game I enjoy watching/playing

What do soccer players usually wear?

soccer jersey, soccer shorts, soccer socks, shinguards, and cleats.