Lebron James was born on December 30, 1984
LeBron James was born on December 30, in the year 1984. He is most famous for his Basketball skills. LeBron James is currently playing for the team Miami Heat.
LeBron James has two sons. His first son, LeBron James Jr. who was born in October of 2004 is now five, and his second addition Bryce Maximus James was born in June of 2007 and is now 1 year old.
lebron James lebron James
He was born on December 30, 1984. WRONG HE WAS BORN 1981...BURN
LeBron James Jr. was born on October 6th, 2004.
LeBron James was born and raised in Akron, Ohio.
Are you kidding Lebron dosent have obstacles.
Of LeBron James' two children, LeBron Jr is older born in 2004. Bryce Maximus was born in 2007.
Lebron james is born on december 30th
LeBron was born in akron
LeBron James has two children. His children, both boys, are LeBron James, Jr. (born October 6, 2004) and Bryce Maximus James (born June 14, 2007).