Hayden Fry's birth name is John Hayden Fry.
Hayden Fry was born on February 28, 1929.
Hayden Fry is 88 years old (birthdate: February 28, 1929).
According to answers.com, Hayden Fry is retired and living in Nevada. He is 78 years old.
Michael Hayden was born on March 17, 1945.
North Texas in Denton, Texas
Hayden Fry was the head football coach of Southern Methodist University from 1962-1972 and North Texas State from 1973-1978.
North Texas
I think 14 bowl games, but I'm not sure.
Hayden Christensen was born April 19, 1981, meaning that he has just turned 29 this year.
0.75 of a year equals nine months.,
In the year of 1783.