Three. First base, second base and third base. Home plate is not a base.
there are only 3 bases on any diamond in US/American Baseball/softball/little league type of fields.
Fastpitch softball ASA bases are 60 feet apart.
Sixty feet
60 feet
60 feet
15 inches square
split bases, is basically a fielding term, for when there are runners on first and third bases.
30 inches
The hardest to me is softball but they rank basketball number 4 and softball number 9 on how hard it is.
An outfielder is a position in softball where you stand outside of the bases like on the field and when the ball is hit to you, you throw it in.
In fast-pitch softball the bases are 60 feet apart. There are 12 inches in one foot. So 60x12=720 inches
60 feet