NHL player Nate Prosser is 6'-02''.
NHL player Nate Prosser shoots right.
NHL player Nate Prosser weighs 207 pounds.
NHL player Nate Prosser was born on 05-07-86 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 28 years old.
Nate Guenin plays for the Colorado Avalanche.
Nate Schmidt plays for the Washington Capitals.
Nate Thompson plays for the Anaheim Ducks.
You get drafted by game scouts. They give you a chance to play on their AHL team and if they like what they see, you will soon get a chance to play in their nhl team.
the worst team in the NHL, the garbage flyers, who suck
The Washington Capitals play in Washington DC. There is no NHL team that plays in the state of Washington.
you cant !
They are a farm team for the Chicago Blackhawks.