Joe Flacco, The only NFL player that wears nummber 5
NFL Quarterbacks who wear #5 in 2013 are:
Joe Flacco, Baltimore Ravens
Josh Freeman, Minnesota Vikings
Bruce Gradkowski, Pittsburgh Steelers
BJ Daniels, Seattle Seahawks
Drew Stanton, Arizona Cardinals
Matt Simms, New York Jets
McLeod Bethel-Thompson, San Francico 49ers
Zac Robinson, Cincinnati Bengals (PUP)
Pat White, Wshington Redskins (released 9/14/13)
According to NFL Rule 5, Section 1, Article 4: 1) Quarterbacks, Punters and Kickers wear numbers 1-19. 2) Running Backs and Defensive Backs wear numbers 20-49 3) Centers wear 50-59 and if a number in that range is not available they may wear 60-79. 4) Guards and Tackles wear 60-79. 5) Wide Receivers wear 80-89 and if a number in that range is not available they may wear 10-19. 6) Tight Ends wear 80-89. 7) Defensive Linemen wear 60-79 and if a number in that range is not available they may wear 90-99. 8) Linebackers wear 50-59 and if a number in that range is not available they may wear 90-99.
They are: Matt Ryan, Brett Farve, Eli Manning, Kerry Collins, and Ben Roethlisberger.
Brett favre, Kurt warner, Kerry Collins, brad Johnson, Trent green
Tony Romo in 2007 and Matt Ryan in 2012
Not in the NFL regular season. He wore #14 for the Dallas Cowboys, #15 for the New York Giants, and #7 for the Denver Broncos. Did Craig Morton wear the number 5 during the 1977 preseason for the Broncos
The average quarterback in the NFL makes about $1,970,982 per year. This can be higher if they have performance incentives where team or individual statistics can increase their salary. ChaCha!
Sean Taylor was a famous NFL player who wore Number 21 for the Washington Redskins. He was murdered when he was shot during a botched robbery/home invasion.
1.mark sanchez 2. Matt leinart 3. jay cutler 4. jp lossman 5.your mom
According to NFL Rule 5, centers should wear 50-59 and guards/tackles should wear 60-79. Since linebackers also wear 50-59 a center may wear 60-79 if a number in the 50s is not available.
$25,248,184 This is based on base salary and bonuses. The top 5 quarterback salaries are Trent Edwards, Cleo Lemmon, Kellen Clemens, Tom Brady, and Peyton Manning.