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Wilt Chamberlain - Everyone else doesn't really matter.

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Wilt Chamberlain, to the best of my knowledge, never fouled out of an NBA game. I have read this in print many times

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Shaquille O'neal

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Wilt Chamberlain

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Q: What NBA players have never fouled out of a game?
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Is 6 fouls in the NBA a foul-out?

When you get 6 fouls in any nba game you foul-out of the game and that player who received the 6 fouls has to sit on the bench for the remainder of the game. If there are only 5 players who are able to play and everybody else is either injured, inactive or has fouled-out, then if another player gets fouled-out then there would be only 4 players able to play but under the nba rule book there always has to be 5 players on the court so that last player who is supposed to foul-out has to stay in the game but other than that yes, 6 fouls in a nba game is a foul-out

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you can have unlimited personal fouls. you cannot be fouled out of the game with an offensive foul, but still counts to your personal foul count.

What NBA pro never fouled out of a basketball game?

Wilt Chamberlain played in 1,045 regular season games and 160 playoff games and did not foul out of a single game.

Who played in 1205 NBA games and never fouled out?

Wilt Chamberlain played in 1,045 regular season games and 160 playoff games and never fouled out.

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No NBA team has never lost a game.

What is a conversion NBA?

It would refer to someone making a basket....but is more commonly used when players make the free throw after scoring a basket and getting fouled.

Which NBA players has scored 4 points in 1 play?

dude. it happens all the time. fouled on the three pointer, make it, and one. 100's have.

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i dont think so...duke has never really put out any good quality nba players no duke player has been succcesful in my opininonThere is no Pro Basketball or NBA Hall of Fame. The Basketball Hall of Fame is littered with players you have never heard of who never played in the NBA. Women players, foreign players, college players, all end up in the same hall of fame.

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Pierce is one of the top 15 players in the NBA. Rose although promising, has never made an NBA All Star game. My answer is no.

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