this is a horrible site less than a minute ago I insulted this site and it actually showed it as an answer this site is a monstrosity and i recommend you leave it immediatly it has wasted a large amount of my time and is a piece of crap.
yes he wrote 13 books, encyclopedia of gods: Over 2,500 deities of the world, The Historical Mary: Revealing the pageant identity of the virgin mother, plants of mystery and magic, Dictionary of gods and goddesses, Mary: the unauthorized biography, Ceremonies for life: birth and naming rituals Marriage commitment celebrations remembrance ceremonies, Buddha, Hush Hush: the dark secrets of scientific research, The encyclopedia of fungi of Britain and Europe: identifies 1,00 different species with color photo graphs, Witches: a encyclopedia of paganism and magic, The green mantle: An investigation into our lost knowledge of plants, Myths of the world: a thematic encyclopedia and A guide to mushrooms: the edible and poisonous fungi of the northern hemisphere.
Michael Jordans wife was julia juanita. Juanita Vanoy but they are divorced.
ben 10
because it is
Michael jordans daddy
nike invented the jordans but later it got modified by Michael Jordan
michael can sing,dance,