Hall of Famers Reggie Jackson (1946) and Brooks Robinson (1937) were born on May 18.
his birthday is may 18 1988
Tiyae Collins Birthday Is On May 18th, 1997
No, there is no player under 18 in the mlb today
Matthew Brady's birthday is May 18, 1822.
A. Sarah Boone birthday are May 18, 1867.
May 18, 1920
Martika was born on May 18, 1969.
May 18, 2009
Taeyang was born on May 18, 1988.
lilly Allen may 2 and Megan fox may 18
MLB player Evan Gattis is 30 years old (born August 18, 1986).
she is 17 now since her birthday is may 14