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The Saskatchewan Roughriders without a doubt.

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Q: What Canadian football team has the best fans?
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barcelona are probably the best but man.utd has the most fans and for that they are the biggest

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In both Canadian and American football as touchdown gets the team two points. In Canadian football the field is larger and the team has twelve players instead of the American team that has eleven.

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the PITTSBURGH STEELERS, the winningest team in history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 i tell you 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Who are the best football teams?

Without a doubt, Liverpool FC are the best football team in the world!! Not only are they the most successful English football team in history, but they have amazing fans who will support them forever. Manchester United are officially the worst football team ever.

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The Yankees have the best fans!

Which team has most fans in Iran?

Persepolis is the greatest pro football team.

Which football teams go by the Roughriders name?

The Ottawan Roughriders are a Canadian Football League team based in Ottawa, Ontario. The Saskatchewan Roughriders are a Canadian professional football team, based in Regina, Saskatchewan, who play in the West Division of the Canadian Football League.

What club football team has the most fans?

Manchester united