If you are using a iginla curve, you may find the forsberg or zetterberg (both real similar) similar. I did use an ignila curve for as long as i know (haha) but then i used my brothers forsberg curve and found i liked it better. Also i have heard rumors about the forsberg curve being renamed to zetterburg.
The best hockey stick is the easton S17, easton SE16, nike Bauer one95,or the nike Bauer XXXX.
I Think Bauer reebok Easton r really good brands but it really depends on the curve and the flex of the dtick
bauer vapor x6.0
at aaa hockey tournaments
Bauer- total one
easton's zetterburg
go to nikebauerid.com
Bauer APX is by far the lightest
1.48 pounds
the curve from the shaft to the tip of the blade