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you have to dribble the ball up and down the court because if you walk with the Basketball you will be travelling.

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Since the ball is a sphere it rolls, unlike a box which has corners and is box shaped

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newtons first law a object in motion will stay in motion unless un opposite force rules against it.

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its the other teams ball

love Courtney barker

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Q: What A basketball rolling across a flat floor has engry?
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A basketball rolling across a flat floor has energy?

A basketball rolling across a flat floor has translational and rotational kinetic energy. There's a force of gravity pulling the ball down towards the floor, and a reaction force pushing the ball up away from the floor.

What form of energy does marbles rolling across the floor?

Kinetic energy.

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Rolling On The Floor

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Rolling on the Floor Laughing.... ROTFL

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ROFLOL= Rolling on the floor laughing out loud

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Stopwatch and measuring device.

What happen when a ball rolling across the floor shows to stop?

When it stops it stops. Inertia will stop it from moving unless there is some force acting on it.

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The predicate in this sentence is across the floor. :)

Does rolling friction occur in basketball?

Drag and friction has a curving effect on a golf ball. The ball may make a curved trajectory as it flies through the air, mostly taking the direction of the wind.

What does ROFL mean while texting?

ROFL:Roll on floor laughing. Lol: Laugh out loud. Lmao: Laugh my a** off Gtg or G2g:Got to go Brb:Be right back Idc:I don't care idgaf: I don't give a f*** Idk:I don't know Hbu: How about u.

What does rotfl mean on facebook?

It stands for Rolling On The Floor Laughing, usually used in instant-messaging.

What actors and actresses appeared in Rolling on the Floor - 2013?

The cast of Rolling on the Floor - 2013 includes: Killebrew Mason