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Q: Were the roles the officiating officials necessary in the smooth conduct of the games?
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The autonomic nervous system consists of neurons that conduct impulses from the central nervous system to what in the body?

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Why does the government need an administration?

To avoid chaos, confusion, misunderstanding, and smooth running, a good administration is always necessary

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Yes on wood, no on smooth solid concrete

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What are Neurons that conduct impulses to the cardiac muscles?

Motor neurons are the neurons that conduct impulses from the central nervous system to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glandular epithelial tissue. These types of nerves are what make up the Autonomic nervous system, which regulates the bodies involuntary functions.

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A matchstick needs friction to ignite, which is provided by the rough striking surface on the matchbox or matchbook. A smooth surface lacks the abrasiveness required to generate the necessary heat to ignite the matchstick.

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Burdock root capsules are indicated for a healthy pituitary gland. Check with a naturopath.

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The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) in liver cells of vertebrates is involved in lipid metabolism, detoxification, and steroid hormone synthesis. It plays a crucial role in the synthesis of lipids and cholesterol, as well as the detoxification of drugs and other harmful substances through processes such as cytochrome P450 enzyme activity.

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The Vasa Vasorum supply the wall of the large arteries This method to feed the smooth muscle is necessary as the endothelium covering the lumen doesn't permit the ready diffusion of nutrients from the lumen.

What is Punjab education code?

education is set of rules or instructions to be followed by sdtuents,teachers ,parents,education officials ,even by government for smooth functioning of educational institutions .these rules change from time to time