Don Drysdale. The first home run hit by a Los Angeles Dodger was hit by Drysdale in the LA Dodgers first ever game played April 11, 1959 against the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field. The HR was the only run the Dodgers scored as they lost to the Cubs, 6-1.
Wrigley Field shares its name with the Wrigley Company, as the park was named for its then-owner, William Wrigley Jr., the CEO of the Wrigley Company.
Yes, go near the bullpen area an you WILL get an autograph. Gerald Laird sign every game, and all of the bullpen pitchers usually sign. If you are lucky you will get out fielders to
Wrigley's Spearmint was developed by William Wrigley Jr.
Bill Wrigley's birth name is William Wrigley.
Thomas Wrigley has written: '\\'
Tony Wrigley was born in 1931.
Wrigley Company was created in 1891.
The population of Wrigley Company is 16,000.
Arthur Wrigley was born in 1912.
Arthur Wrigley died in 1965.
Wrigley Building was created in 1924.