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The first exhibition of volleyball was played in 1896 at the Springfield YMCA. However, the game was invented in 1895 by George Morgan, a YMCA phys ed director, in Holyoke, Massachusetts. The game was originally called mintonette. The game of Basketball has its origins in 1891 at Springfield College.

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Q: Was volleyball created in 1896 at Springfield College?
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What collage was the first game of volleyball played at?

Springfield College July 1896 was the first volleyball game ever played

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1896 - Springfield College had the first game of "Volleyball".

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In 1896, the first official game of Volleyball was played at Springfield College. Read more about it at this link:

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The first exhibition match of volleyball was played in 1896 at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts.

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Springfield Union Station - Illinois - was created in 1896.

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Volleyball was invented by William Morgan at the YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts

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When was volleyball was orignanted?

hi, volleyball was created in massachusets(bad spelling maybe) by William j Morgan in 1896.

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Loyola College - Montreal - was created in 1896.