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Q: Was there a Montreal Canadiens public address announcer at the old forum who was involved in some kind of point-shaving scandal in the 1970's?
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Most goals scored by a team in an NHL game?

There have been two occasions in NHL history when the two opponents have combined for 21 goals. In 1920, Montreal beat Toronto 14-7 and in 1985, Edmonton beat Chicago 12-9. The most goals scored by a single team in a game was also in 1920 when Montreal beat Quebec 16-3.

What is the connection between Ing and Bank Brussels Lambert?

is desmarais famaly from montreal canada involved

Who is the PA announcer at UNC?

The PA Announcer for UNC Basketball & Football is long time announcer Tony Gilliam who also is involved in Final Four, College World Series, NCAA National Championship FB games to name a few..Prior to this he was a NHL PA announcer and was a Pro Wrestling announcer for years

What is La Grande Paix de Montreal?

La Grand Paix De MontrealA treaty signed in Montreal in 1701 by the representatives of the government of France and representatives of 39 north American aboriginal nations

How did hoodieneydie?

He died in Montreal. He was doing a stunt that involved getting hit above the waist. He claimed he could do this with out being injured. It was a ruptured appendix that eventually killed him. In 1926 he died doing a live show.

Is there an organization that's helping the ozone layer?

Yes, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) are actively involved in global efforts to protect the ozone layer. They support the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement aimed at phasing out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances.

What battles were the green mountain boys in?

they were in the battle of fort ticonderoga with Ethan Allen. They were also in the battle of Hubbarton and the Battle of Bennington. They were also involved in the attempt to take Montreal along with Benedict Arnold, but the attempt was a miserable failure.

Can you hire a car from Boston to Montreal?

One way car rental is certainly possible, although there may be a one-way charge involved. The exact charge depends on the rental location, car size, rental duration etc.

Who was involved in the operations of the north west company?

The North West Company was primarily operated by Montreal-based fur traders such as Simon McTavish and William McGillivray. Other key figures involved included Alexander Mackenzie, who led expeditions to explore the interior of North America, as well as Indigenous peoples who were vital to the company's fur trade network.

Who is the PA announcer for the Colorado Avalanche?

The PA Announcer's name is Kyle Speller. He brings such life, entertainment and fun to all the games. And he really knows how to get the crowd involved during crucial periods throughout the games! I love him! I've also been told he does a lot of good community work in private, without wanting any public recognition. That's awesome.

Is God involved in our birthdays?

If God is involved with everything, then he is involved with our birthdays. If you believe in a god then it/he/she can be involved in your whole life. If on the other hand you do not believe in a god, then it/he/she can not be involved in anything.