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yes if was born and raised in Russia and stayed there to he was drafted into the NHL.

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Q: Was ovechkin raised in Russia
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What country is alex ovechkin from?


Who did Ovechkin play for in Russia?

moscow dynamo

Where was Alexander ovechkin born?

He was born in Moscow, Russia

What team does alex ovechkin play for?

Washington Capitals & Russia

Is ovechkin gay?

Yes he is single. He had a girlfriend he met on the internet, Katja, but they broke up in late 2008/early 2009. Ovechkin is the #1 bachelor in Russia right now.

Where did Alexander ovechkin live?

he used to live in russia then he moved to the US

Was Alexander ovechkin born in Russia?

Alexander Ovechekin was born in 1985 sept, 17 in Baghdad Iraq

Who is Russia's most famous athlete?

Right now, I would have to say Yevgeni Plushenko or Alex Ovechkin.

Who is better - Alexander Ovechkin or Sidney Crosby?

Statistically, Alexander Ovechkin.

How did alex ovechkin lose his front tooth?

Contrary to the erroneous answer provided by "ID1677558159," Alex Ovechkin did NOT lose his tooth "while playing basketball in russia [sic]." Alex Ovechkin lost his front tooth when an Atlanta Thrashers player high-sticked him in the mouth on a defensive play on October 5th, 2007. Please reference additional information.

Who is better ovechkin or phounuf?


What is the birth name of Alexander Ovechkin?

Alexander Ovechkin's birth name is Alexander Mikhailovich Ovechkin.