Yes because he said that Mario Lemieux could break his records if he was not battling cancer. Also he said that Goride Howe was the greatest man to play hockey and the greatest man to play sports.
Wayne gretzky
Wayne Gretzky
Wayne gretzky
wayne gretzky
Wayne Gretzky. By Far
No question Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky and Bobby Orr are in this debate.
Wayne Gretzky is the best player at link position.
Practice and hard work
Wayne Gretzky was the best of the best in hockey...he played for the best team (Oilers, dah) and he is my idol!
Mario Lemieux would have his rightful place as the best hockey player ever.
Wayne Gretzky is a world famous Canadian Hockey Player, also known as the Great One, check out his Bio, he has many world records that still have not been broken.Wayne Gretzky is the best player of all time in NHL hockey.