Babe was more famous but Ty Cobb was way better than Babe.
However Ty Cobb may have been better offensively and defensive by a thin and wide margin respectively Ty Cobb never threw a ML pitch and babe was an "ace in the hole"
Babe Ruth cause he's been around longer.
there almost the same since they are both head and shoulders above the best and have no carry over fame from when they played and i get the feeling babe has more fans but ty's are louder
I think Babe Ruth is but I'm not sure
This really depends on the age of the person. People over 40 would generally say Babe Ruth is more famous. Younger people might say Bruce Lee is more famous than Babe Ruth. It really just depends on the person.
Darth Vader
lebrob james
Babe Ruth! One of the greatest baseball players who ever lived, along with Hank Aaron!
Babe Ruth ,Reggie Jackson and more
Partially Babe Ruth Is More Famous Because He Has Broken Many Batting Records And Is A Great Athlete. Justin Bieber Is Just A Singer Who Was Discovered By Usher In 2009.
Sonic is more famous because he was not created in america and was distributed throughout the whole world so in short sonic=global babe ruth =not as global.
I will not give you a defanet answer but to me i believe that it would be a baseball card signed by Babe Ruth. The reason i think this is because Babe Ruth is a pro. baseball player and is very famous. Iron Man is to but he is not as rare as Babe Ruth is .
Babe Ruth.