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the first african-american

to play Baseball. #42

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes Jackie Robinson is an American hero. Without him, who knows if black people would still be playing. Also he was a lieutenant in WWII. Yes he is a hero.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Of course

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βˆ™ 11y ago

yes he is

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Q: Was Jackie Robinson a good role model?
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Why is Jackie Robinson such a role model?

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Who did Jackie Robinson look up to?

Jackie Robinsons role model was someone named ____. Look him up.

What was Jackie Robinson's personality?

he was persistent and a great role model for young baseball players.

Is Jackie Robinson a good or bad influence?

well for what he has done its very courageous. i mean he broke the color barrier in baseball ! he didn't care what people thought or even what they said like even if u look @ is quotes ~To answer the question is Jackie Robinson a good or bad influence? He is an excellent influence. A great role model.

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His brother Matthew Robinson inspired him to follow his love for athletics.

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A good role model sets a good example for others on how to act... By doing this, the person is showing a sense of leadership.

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Tyrese Gibson could be a good role model for different reasons, depending on how you view him. He is in good shape, he is a successful actor, and he has fame, which could all lead to him being a good role model.

How do you spell role model?

A role model is a person that you admire and stand up to.