NO MAN!!!! That was Richard Finch, the retired bass player and co-writer of some of the songs. He left the band long ago. KC and the band had nothing to do with this
Casey Anthony is in Warren,Ohio that's where she is from and Ohio is a good place to go.
No soldier was arrested regarding that unfortunate day.
Warren, Ohio
In ohio with her grandparents
Casey Anthony was born on March 19, 1986, in Warren, Ohio.
The airport code for Wayne County Airport - Ohio - is BJJ.
Casey Anthony was born on March 19, 1986, in Warren, Ohio, USA.
Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony was born in Warren, Ohio.
How much is a speeding ticket in wayne county ohio
Fort Wayne, Indiana is midway between Mansfield Ohio and Chicago Illinois
Dig Wayne was born on July 20, 1958, in Ohio, USA.
Casey Calvert from the band Hawthorne Heights is buried at Woodside Cemetery in Middletown,Ohio (Butler County)