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Q: Was Albert Haynesworth paid too much by the Redskins?
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Who is the highest paid player on the Washington Redskins?

Trent Williams

Who is highest paid footballer?

Peyton Manning (because of endorsements) as of 2010. Albert Haynesworth signed a 100 million dollar contract with the Redskins (that is over some amount of time. As for soccer, the best paid player at the moment is Cristiano Ronaldo. In september 2013 he signed a new contract with Real Madrid for $206 million. This makes Ronaldo the highest paid soccer player of all times.

Who was the highest paid NFL player in 2008?

Albert Hayneswoth who was with the Washington Redskins with a total of $100 million with $57 million guranteed!

Who was the first football player to earn a salary of 100000 dollars?

The first documentation of a player being paid for playing football is an expense sheet from the 1892 Allegheny Athletic Association's football team that shows a $500 payment to William Heffelfinger.

How much does cardinals player albert pujos get paid?


How much does Albert pujols get paid?

a little over 14 million dollars a year

How much did doctors get paid in the 1920's?

i have know clue ask the doctor there the once your looking for right Albert Thomas wrote this

Why are Indians called redskins?

Native Americans were called "redskins" due to the reddish color of their skin. Now it is to be considered a racist term.

How much does Albert Einstein get paid?

Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist, was born March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. He died on April 18, 1955, at Princeton, NJ. Therefore, he does not get paid anything; he has been deceased for over 60 years. As they say, you can't take (money) with you; deceased persons have no need for money.

Why did Americans object to judge being paid by the king?

Marv albert

How do you use paid in a sentence?

How much do you get paid? I paid too much for my shoes.

How much did he get paid returning to the NFL?

how much did who get paid?