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as in where. like on game feilds on practice settings, outside of physical activities.....???

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Q: WHere do the biggest percent of sports injuries happen?
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Related questions

What percent of sports injuries are fractures?

Fractures account for 5-6% of all sports injuries.

WHAT type of sports are most likely to cause injuries and why?

contact sports cause lots of injuries because of the constant physical contact. Concussions, broken body parts, and sprained and dislocated fingers happen often in football.

How many national sports injuries was there in 2010?

There were about 500 national sports injuries in 2010

What are injuries related to sports and exercise?

There are a different varietys of injuries. A most common injury may be a broken/twisted leg. More common injuries may be a twisted ankle or wrist, a broken arm, or a dislocated shoulder. Things such as a twisted neck happen very rarley when playing sports.

What are some specific leg injuries and what are some specific causes, symptoms and treatments related to them?

It depends on what type of activities a person is involved in. If someone takes part in certain sports, there are a lot of leg injuries that could happen, such as sprains, pulled muscles, and knee and foot injuries. But if someone does not lead a lifestyle that is heavy in sports, he or she will have less chance of getting major injuries.

What is a a specialist in sports related injuries?

It is a sports physiotherapist.

What are the sports injuries for which Rhus Tox Is useful?

knee injuries

Why is force important in sports?

The force acted upon an object can be the deciding factor in a game. The biggest concern in sports is injuries. If there is enough force acted on a muscle or bone you may tear sprain or break something.

Who do sports medicine doctors work on?

People with sports injuries

What are the injuries of water sports?

There are several different injuries that a person can sustain from water sports. You can get broken bones, cuts, bites from fish, head injuries, and there is always the possibility of drowning.

What are the release dates for Healthline - 2006 Sports Injuries?

Healthline - 2006 Sports Injuries was released on: USA: 2 January 2007

How can you prevent sport injuries?

In reality you cannot prevent sports injuries unless you do not play any sports. So the best you can do is reduce your chances of being injured. Be careful when doing sports, remember to stretch before so your muscles are prepared. If you get an injury wait until it heals properly before you continue your sports. Even if you are totally careful, an accident could happen and someone could injure you.