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Q: Volleyball referee what is the correct sequence when whistling for serve?
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Whose descision is final in volleyball?

The referee in Volleyball has the final say on out/in. They have 25 hand signals at the ready to make the most accurate decision when in a Volleyball game. There is the 1st Referee, 2nd Referee and the Linesmen which contribute to the decision whether it's in or out.

What is the signal for a dead ball in volleyball?

The referee's whistle.

"What is the chiefs officials in volleyball?

The first referee is the official in charge.

What is the officials of the volleyball game?

the person who officiates the game wihich is the referee

Is there referees in volleyball?

Yes. One referee. Two line judges.

What does the term linesman mean in volleyball?

The linesmen are officials in Volleyball games. They stay on the edge on the court and assist the 1st referee on in/out calls.

How many referee must in volleyball?

there are 2 refs and 2 line watchers

What is the third referee in volleyball?

There are 4 reffs in volleyball in no order there is an up refa down ref and 2 line refs who stand on opposite corners

How much does a college volleyball referee make?

depending on how old you are it varies, I'm 14 and i make 13 dollars an hour and i work 3 hours a day which is 39 dollars

What are 4 officials in the game of volleyball and their functions?

Up ref- The main referee Down ref- The second referee Two line judges- Judge the line

A person that stands next to the referee in a volleyball game that starts with the letter L?

linesman (or linesperson)