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The neglected flower wilted in its vase.

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14y ago

The beautiful chrystanthemum had wilted.

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Q: Use wilt in a sentence
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How do you use the word wilt in a sentence?

Without water, the flowers will wilt.

How can you use wilt in a sentence?

The air was so humid, I thought I would wilt. The humidity made the flowers quickly wilt.

A sentence with wilt?

If the flower does not get water, it will wilt.

What is the verb in the sentence The Flowers will wilt soon in this heat?

The verb in the sentence is: will wiltThe main verb is 'wilt'.The modal auxiliary verb is 'will', which shows us the sentence is about the future.

Give you a sentence using the wordperuke?

The governor's peruke seemed to wilt in the hot sun.

What is a nickname for Wilt Chamberlain?

Wilt Chamberlain nick name was Wilt The Stilt

What is Wilt Chamberlain s nick name?

Wilt the Stilt Wilt the stilt.

Who is wilt the stilt?

wilt Chamberlain

What was Wilt Chamberlain's nickname?

Wilt "the Stilt", "Goliath", and his favorite, "The Big Dipper" were his nicknames."Wilt the Stilt" or "The Big Dipper"

What is a sentence using the word wilted?

Looks like the others have wilted away in the heat.

Wilt Chamberlain nickname is?

wilt the stilts

What did wilt chamberlin have as a nickname?

Wilt the Stilt.