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Touch back if they recovered in the end-zone and stayed in the end-zone but if they were outside the end-zone then went in the end-zone it is a safety.

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Q: Touchback vs safety on a punt that receiving team first touches in play then recovers ball in their own endzone?
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What happens when a muffed punt goes into the endzone?

The receiving team can run it out or down it in the end zone for a touchback; if nobody on the receiving team touches the ball, that's also a touchback and the receiving team gets the ball first and ten on their own 20 yard line.

If the returner of a kickoff touches the ball on the 1 yard line then bobbles the ball and it goes into and out of the endzone who's ball is it and where is it placed?

It is a fumble when the ball is bobbled and a touchback when it goes out of the endzone. It is placed on the twenty yard line.

If the punt returner touches the ball and it goes out of the back of the end zone without being possessed what happens?

Its ends up as a touchback and is given to the receiving team (of the punt) to start at the 20-yard line.

If a punt is partially blocked is it a live ball allowing the kicking team to recover it?

Yes it is a live ball and if the kicking team recovers they still have to get the first down and if the defense recovers its a turnover. The ball is live, however, the kicking team cannot regain possession of the ball unless the receiving team touches it first.

Can a blocked extra point try be recovered by the kicking team for a 2 point conversion?

In high school, the moment the ball is kicked on a try, the play is dead. In NCAA, if the ball touches the endzone or a player in the endzone, it is a touchback. In all other levels and situations, it works identical to a field goal or punt. It is called a 'scrimmage kick', and if the ball is blocked from behind the line of scrimmage, and offensive player may take possession and run in for a 2-pt conversion. If the kick sails beyond the line of scrimmage, the defense (or 'receiving team', since the kick obviously doesn't make it through the back of the endzone) has to touch the ball. However, attempted blocks near the line of scrimmage are ignored when considering touching by the defense. For more info: if the kicking team touches the ball after the try doesn't make it, it is like when a punt is touched by the kicking team. Regardless of what happens after the touch, the receiving team has the option to take possession at the 'first touching' spot (this is why punt units fully 'possess' the football instead of touching it).

After a kickoff if it travels over 10 yards is it anyone's ball?

Yes, as long as no one on either team touches it before the 10 yards. After the ball travels ten yards during a kickoff it is a free ball. That's correct. Once the ball travels 10 yards, anyone can recover it.The receiving team can always recover after anydistance. So if an onside kick only travels 5 yards instead of the required 10 and the receiving team recovers, the receiving team would take possession of the ball at that spot.The 10-yard rule is a restriction on the kicking team only. The kickers cannot recover the ball until is has traveled 10 yards, UNLESS the receiving team touches the ball first. After the receiving team touches the ball, the kicking team can recover, regardless of how far the ball has traveled.

When you are receiving a kickoff do you have to touch the ball in order for it to be a live ball?

Once the ball has gone 10 yards after being kicked during a kickoff, the ball is indeed live! During a punt, however, someone on the receiving team must touch the football for it to be live. The ball is always live during a kick. The only thing in question is who can recover, and when. On free kicks (including kickoffs and free kicks following a safety), the receiving team can recover the ball at any time, and the kicking team can recover either after it has traveled 10 yards or after the receiving team touches it after any distance. On scrimmage kicks (field goals and punts), the kicking team gives up possession of the ball unless (1) the ball fails to cross the line of scrimmage, (2) the kicking team then recovers the ball, and (3) the down played was not 4th down. In any other situation, the receiving team takes the ball. Once the ball crosses the line of scrimmage, the only way the kicking team can retake possession is if the receiving team fumbles, muffs, or touches the ball and the kicking team recovers.

In the NFL A player has possession of the football dives into the endzone crosses the goal line and is hit in mid air causing him to lose the ball Is this a touchdown or a fumble?

It depends on whether or not he has the ball in his hands when he hits the ground of the endzone. If it is not in his possession, then it is a fumble and can be recovered by a defender. If it is in his hands and he touches the endzone, then it is a touchdown. If he was in possession of the ball when the ball crossed the goal line, it's a touchdown. As soon as the ball breaks the plane of the goal line, the ball is dead and the play is over. Anything that happens after that is irrelevant.

If the kicking team touches a punt ball before the receiving team can the receiving team take possession of the ball without risking a turnover?

Kickoffs can always be recovered by either team, as soon as the ball travels 10 yards. So regardless of whether the ball hits a player or not, it's available to the first person who can take possession.

If a player on the volleyball receiving team touches the net during a rally what does te serving team get?

The serving team automaticlly gets one point

In football on an onside kick if the ball touches the receiving team and then the kicking team recovers is it a turnover?

No, the football has to go 10 yards before it can be recovered by the kicking team. if it goes 10 yards and is in the air the kicking team can recover it.

What if a receiving player accidentally touches a punted football?

As soon as the ball is touched by a member of the receiving team, the ball is live and can be recovered by either team. (If the receiving team does not touch the ball, then a player from the punting team can only down the ball, not recover it.)