High School: Arc radius 19 feet 9 inches (6.02 m), no less than 5 feet 3 inches (1.60 m) from each sideline.
NCAA College: Arc radius 20 feet 9 inches (6.32 m), no less than 4 feet 3 inches (1.30 m) from each sideline.
FIBA: Arc radius 6.75 meters (22.1 ft), no less than 0.9 meters (3.0 ft) from each sideline.
WNBA: Arc radius 22 feet 1.75 inches (6.7501 m), no less than 3 feet 4 inches (1.02 m) from each sideline.
NBA: Arc radius 23 feet 9 inches (7.24 m), no less than 3 feet (0.91 m) from each sideline.
It the point is on the line the distance is 0. If the point is not on the line, then it is possible to draw a unique line from the point to the line which is perpendicular to the line. The distance from the point to the line is the distance along this perpendicular to the line.
The three point line distance in women's college basketball is 19 feet 9 inches. Men's basketball three point line distance is also 19 feet 9 inches. however, that will change to a distance of 20 feet 9 inches beginning in the 2008-2009. The three point line distance in women's basketball will not change. The Playing Rules Oversight Panel also approved moving the women's 3-point line in all three divisions back a foot to 20 feet, 9 inches for the 2011-12 season.
The NBA distance from the three point line to the goal is 23.750-feet. The distance in college and high school basketball is 19-feet, 9-inches. An NBA court is 90-feet by 50-feet.
like 3 feet
It is now 20 ft, 19 in.
In the NBA, the three point line is 22 feet away on the sides and 23'9" in the center of the ark.
The NBA introduced the three point line in the 1979-80 season at a length of 23'9" from the top of the key to a length of 22 feet in the corners. In the 1994-95 season, the NBA changed things so the three point line was a uniform 22 feet from the basket. The distance was reverted to 23'9" in the 1997-98 season and has been there ever since. The 19'9" distance is the distance of the college basketball three point line, which will be changed to 20'9" for the 2008-09 season
The distance is 0.
13 feet 9 inches measured horizontally from behind the line to the goals center.
Two pointers are every shot made INSIDE the three point line, so there is no set distance.
The point that is equal distance from the endpoints of a line segment is the midpoint.