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Q: The woolly mammoth was a relative of modern elephants that lived in the cold northern parts of the world less than five million years ago. Mammoths in warmer parts of the world lacked the warm shaggy?
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Are elephants relitaves of the woolly mammath?

Yes, elephants are close relatives to the mammoth, having diverged from mammoths only 6 million years ago. The closest relative to the mammoths is the Asian elephant.

What animals descend from Woolly Mammoth?

There are no living descendants of woolly mammoths. African elephants are a separate branch, and Asian elephants are a near relative. While there are other mammoth species, these are currently thought to have evolved alongside the woolly mammoth from species such as the steppe mammoth.

Did dinosaur eat woolly mammoth?

No. Wooly Mammoths, like elephants, were herbivores.

What are some of the animals that are related to woolly mammoth?

Mammoths are a genus of elephants. The closest living relatives of mammoths are Asiatic Elephant.

Which came first mammoths or elephants?

Mammoths came first. Mammoths evolved around 5 million years ago, while elephants evolved around 6-7 million years ago.

How did mammoths care for their young?

Mother mammoths fed their babies with milk, just like elephants. After a few months, the baby mammoth started to eat plant material, but it wasn't until the mammoth was two or three years old that it stopped nursing. The baby mammoths stayed close to their moms until they were teenagers. The moms protected them from danger and from other animals. If a mammoth's mom died, one of the other mammoths in the group would adopt the young mammoth. How do we know? Scientists have observed this behavior in elephants, a close relative of the mammoths. They also have looked at the growth rings in tusks of baby mammoths. By looking at the chemicals in each ring, they can tell when the baby mammoth switched from a milk diet to a plant diet.

Is a mammoth a meat eater?

I dont think so they eat grass so when the climate changed the grass died they will starved

Are mammoths tusk bigger then elephants tusk?

Yes, because a Mammoth is bigger than one. Mastodons are about the same size as Mammoths.

Is a dolphin a mammoth?

No, mammoths were land mammals, related to modern day elephants, and dolphins are marine.

What does mammoth eat?

Mammoths were grazers, like modern elephants. That means that they predominantly ate grass. However, also like elephants, mammoths probably ate occasional leaves and fruit, too.

How does a mammoth eat?

Mammoths are extinct, but I would think they ate in way that resembles the way elephants eat,

What huge current-day animal is a descendant of the prehistoric mammoth?

Asian elephants are closely related to Mammoths