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Q: The cheerleaders buoyant personality encouraged the students to support their team select the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word?
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The cheerleader's buoyant personality encouraged the students to support their team?

cheerful A+

Circle the adjective and underlined the noun After running the students ate cold sandwiches?

After running the students are (cold) sandwiches. Sandwiches should be underlined.

What percentage of high school students are cheerleaders?


What part of speech is the word underlined?

Underlined is a verb and an adjective. Verb (past tense of underline): The students underlined the title of the book in their reports. Adjective: an underlined word

Do the Green Bay Packers have cheerleaders?

They have college students come and cheer for them.

Why are students of the arts encouraged to learn about science and science students encouraged to learn about the arts?

In order for everyone to be well rounded.

What the first cheerleaders name?

Thomas Peebler who gathered six students to stand on the sidelines.

Who was in the moratorium of the Vietnam war?

School students (encouraged by principals)

In Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier what did the court encourage students to do?

The court encouraged students to write appropriate articles.

Who the most popular?

Usually popularity is something that students are concerned about. With that in mind, the most popular are usually cheerleaders and athletes.

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Are briefcases suitable for highschool students?

Although they are very professional for students. At the high school level, students are not required or encouraged to carry a briefcase, but instead, a backpack.