they settle there because they knew there was another country there
Not immediately after... you should allow about an hour for your food to settle.
no. let the dog take a rest instead.
2 possibilities: electronic components can fail when they get hot. That could be anything from the electronic ignition system to the fuel pump. The other possibility is the fuel filter could be plugging up with sediment which slowly closes off the filter element. Turning off the fuel pump briefly can allow the sediment to settle, letting the filter function briefly again. You need to try to find out why it stalls. Is it lack of fuel? Try to start it immediately after stalling, by using a little starting fluid. If it starts briefly when you shoot a little starting fluid, you probably have a fuel pump or filter problem.
The particles are heavier than water and sink instead of floating.
The US could have let Vietnam settle it's own issues. If the big Communist Powers had not supported them.
I assume you mean a car crash (or motorcycle). You need to call 911 and get help from an ambulance immediately. Afterwards you can settle insurance disputes.
You aren't letting the gas settle. You're letting the oil settle. Running the freezer before the oil settles will have the same effect as running your car with no oil. i.e. Overheating and the possibility it could sieze
Its becaus they are lesbians and are gross. Thay should just settle for kissing a boy instead.
You can settle a new horse in very easily, and you should make sure you do so patiently. Horses can be very nervous animals and don't take to change well. Walk your horse slowly out of its trailer and immediately into its stall or enclosed pen. Make sure there is plenty of comfortable bedding and food and water, and your horse should settle in nicely.
Instead of lobbing nuclear warheads at each other, they play each other at cricket to settle their differences
Try it! If both can be compiled, the result will be the same; if any of them won't compile, settle for the other.