have one girl lay on her back and lift on leg forward keeping the other one the ground not letting it move. have someone else push the leg in the air towards you and hold it stand facing the wall, put your hands on the wall and have someone else pull one leg up and hold it
i think it folr
well you could be in join folr 5 years unless your in school then you could get expelled or suspended
the womens job in ancient china was to make silk and thats the only thing that women would do. that was the only job folr the women,
because the resources are like gass they can affect the earth by the humans burning wood,and by burning plastic bags thanks folr reading
First off its not "Lori tab". Lol it either, lortab, lorcet, or generic hydrocodine. Basically its a Vicodin, with the various different pain killers on the market this one is particularly weak in comparison with other more potent pain pills like oxycodone, roxicodone, morphine & methadone just to name a few. Lortabs generally stay in the system for 2-5 days, but could be significantly less if only used one time. A lot of people claim to know how to detoxify the chemicals and drugs out of the body. Like various different drug cleansing products that sale for 50$ and up. But the truly most effective way depending on how serious u truly are and if its worth it to you a bulletproof way of cleaning out you're system is to go to you're local gym and sit in a sauna for around two hours taking breaks to cool off every 15 mins and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. I hope this helps at least one person. And I personaly used this method while on drug probation folr 1 1/2 years, during which regularly used evey pain killer and opiate I could get my hands on, and never once failed a drug test.
A very common application of a quadratic equation is using the Pythagorean Theorem. The application is posted at http://www.mathmotivation.com/science/quadratic-application.htmlAnother application of a quadratic equation used in higher math and engineering is where a second-order differential equation is solved for a spring-damper system. This sounds scary but actually has real-world application. This example also shows how the "imaginary" number "i" is used in a real-world application. This application is shown at http://www.mathmotivation.com/science/complex-numbers-application.htmlYou wanted the quadratic function (2 variables). Here goes. The free fall equation S = at2 + Vot + So. is used by anyone predicting the path of a projectile. During WWII I have read that the warships would actually have a mathematician on board to do the calculations when firing at enemy targets. This equation, and how it is derived is shown at http://www.mathmotivation.com/science/freefall.html I once used this equation to calculate the depth of a canyon - I threw a rock straight out, counted the seconds, and was able to use the simplified version S = 16t2 to calculate the depth. Actually, the "canyon" was the bottom side of a dam on a river - my calculated depth gave me the depth of the lake on the dammed up side.
Generally the best way is to lower their health and inflict a status on them, sleep and freeze are the best but paralasis helps too.Then just use your best balls until you've caught them.there is another way if you have a cricketune or any other Pokemon with the move false swipe (in the Pokemon mall at veilstone for 2000) for the full list of Pokemon that can get this move click this link What Pokemon learn false swipe in Pokemon pearlsome Pokemon learn it by lv. up and some by the day care people and others by the hm.54 (false Swipe) then that Pokemon that has false swipe has to be over the legendary's level (so about lv. 80 should do) use false swipe 1st thing ( make sure it cant heal it self if it can use heal block by giratina) and then keep thowin poke balls at it . its good coz false swipe leaves it with 1hp hope this helpedActualy, what I think was meant was how to find legendries without AR or any of that. If that's what you meant, then here's a list of them:-Palkia (Pearl) or Dialga (Diamond) - go to the top of mount Cornet after beating Cyrus (The Team Galactic Leader) in their Veilstone Base, and releasing the three lake Pokemon. There you will meet up with Team Galactic again. Defeat them and they will leave. Then you must challenge Dialga or Palkia depending on the game. It will be lvl. 45. Once you challenge it, you may catch it. If you've already beaten it, it will appear again in the same place after beating the elite four. It will be lvl. 45.-Mesprit/ Uxie/ Azelf - After finishing off team galactic for good, and beatign/ catching Palkia or Dialga, you will be able to catch the three ppokemon of the lakes; Mesprit is in Lake Valor, Uxie is in Lake Acuity, and Azelf is in Lake Valor. Unlike Uxie and Azelf, however, Mesprit flies away once you talk to it. Use the Marking map to track it. (Note you can only catch Mesprit with the master ball given to you by Cyrus, so don't use it on any other Pokemon.)All three will be lvl. 50.-Giratina - After beating the Elite four and obtaining the national dex, a new path will open up on the route between Pastoria and Veilstone. Follow it, and it will take you to the fourth lake of Sinnoh, Spring Path. Use Rock climb to get to the top, go around, and use rock climb again. Go into the cave on the wall, and navigate through it (note: follow the rocks. Don't use rock smash) until you see Giratina. It will be lvl. 70. (key note: The Pokemon there will be at most lvl. 60)-Cresselia - After obtaining the nation dex, go to canalave, and go to the sailor's house. Talk to his son (He will be having a nightmare caused by Darkrai). After that, talk to the sailor, and he will ask you to go to Full Moon Island to get something from there. Click yes, and he will take you there. Follow the path, and you will see Cresselia. Talk to it, and it will fly away. (Note, the item will be left behind. You can take it back to the sailor's son.) Use the marking map to follow Cresselia. It will be lvl. 50.-Heatran - After beating the Elite four and obtaining the national dex, use the ferry in Snowpoint to go to the Battle Zone. There you should see your friend, and a man named Buck. Buck will tell you of a mountain between The Resort Area and the Survival Zone. Go there. Once at the base of Stark Mountain, go to the top, and into it. Navigat through the first room (your friend will be at the end). Go into the second, and you will meet up with buck. He will team up with you, and you both will navigate through the second room while defeating many trainers and Pokemon. In the final room, there will be the treasure Buck mentioned. he will take it. Leave Stark Mountain, and go to the survival Area. In one of the houses, you will see Buck. Talk to him and he will leave. Go back toStark Montain, and in the final room will be a lvl. 70 Heatran (male or femal. It's the only legendary with a gender.) Key Note: The Pokemon in and around Stark Mountain are increadibly strong (arounf lvl. 50) There are mainly rock, ground, and fire types, so I suggest bringing a strong water/ ground type with you.Other thatn those 8, any other legendary (besides Regigas) can only be obtained via Action Replay, Trading, Migrating or a Special Event. Regigas can only be capture at eh final floor of the Snowpoint Temple after beating the Elite Four and obtaing the National Dex, and the Other three Regi's (Regirock, Regice, and Registeel) which are not available in either Diamond or Pearl. It will be lvl. 70.If you don't believe me, go here to see folr yourself:http://serebii.net/diamondpearl/legendaries.shtml-From, Animelove15